14138245_493398097517873_2706951727656112459_oThe blessing of the site where the Temple of Joy will stand:

With chants and prayers of Light to invoke its rapid manifestation,  this summer we celebrated the blessing of the site where the Temple of Joy will rise!

Many of us were there, and we were filled with great joy. Nayaswami Jyothish and Devi were with us on this beautiful day. It was on a Sunday morning after the Festival of Light ceremony.  We walked to the spot where the entrance to the new Temple will be. We stopped, and for the first time, together, we created the magnetism necessary for its manifestation.

Jyotish and Devi, just a few days before, had blessed the site where the Temple of Light will stand at Ananda Village in California. After their stay in Italy, they departed for India where another new Temple, in Pune,  will rise.

It doesn’t matter how vast your possibilities may be, the important thing is to offer one’s energy – through creativity, manual labor, by putting your talents to practice, or by donating. In this way, you will feel part of this project and you will have contributed to its realization, thereby filling your heart with joy.